civil engineering

- what we do -

  • Grading & Drainage Design & Plans

    As part of our civil engineering services, DAC provides grading and drainage design, and prepares grading-drainage plans for proposed development projects. Our grading design optimization addresses restrictions in excessive grading and change of natural site topography, which are imposed by public works departments. The drainage design calls for determination of total surface runoff as well as groundwater flows. Management of drainage flows is of utmost importance in the permitting process. DAC has considerable experience in cost-effective as well as environmentally sustainable design of drainage systems.

  • Cut & Fill Calculations

    Cut-and-fill calculations are performed based on the existing and proposed finish grades. The-cut-and-fill volumes are reported on the grading-drainage plans to establish earthwork quantities in consideration to import-export and how closely they balance.

  • Hydrological & Flood Calculations

    The current standard of practice in drainage design for all of our projects requires determination of surface runoff and groundwater flows. Our hydrological calculations are based on local and regional historical rainfall records. DAC has experience in determination of infiltration and realistic runoff coefficients for our hydrological calculations.

  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)

    DAC prepares plans for stormwater pollution prevention, also referred to as site “winterization”. These plans illustrate the proposed approach in managing wet weather construction as well as dust control during the dry period.

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